November 2021 - MC2MC Evening


We are thrilled to announce the date of our next event in 2021, on the 25th of November. Expect four top notch sessions from top notch speakers. Hope to see you all there!

This will be a virtual live event on Microsoft Teams. You can join the meeting here.

Tickets available, register here:


18h30 – 18u45: Welcome

18h45 – 19u30: Containers on Azure: MS Ignite Roundup by Richard Hooper (Microsoft Azure MVP) and Wesley Haakman (Microsoft Azure MVP)

Fancy learning all about the new awesome Ignite announcements regarding containers on Azure?
In this session Richard and Wesley will cover the new announcements from Microsoft Ignite, including the new Azure Container Apps which allows you to run containers without any kubernetes expert knowledge.
Come along and learn all about vNext for containers in Azure.

19h30 – 20h15: Protecting the keys to the kingdom by Kaido Järvemets (Microsoft Enterprise Mobility MVP)

In this talk Kaido will tell you all about how you can protect the services and data running in your Azure environment. Topics covered are: Azure Administrative Model, Azure AD PIM, Azure AD FIDO2 keys, Azure AD CA, Azure AD TAP, Azure Management Groups, Azure AD Super Admin, Detecting the Azure AD Super Admin, Defender for Cloud Apps, Azure Sentinel query auditing, Data retention.

20h15 – 20h30: Break

20h30 – 21h15: What’s new on Zero Trust and Windows365 by Michiel Van der Eecken (Microsoft)

In this session, Michiel will go over the following topics: Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE), Passwordless enrollment with Autopilot and a brief overview on how to setup Windows365.

21h15 – 22h00: Autopilot and Intune – Three years later by Dubravko Marak (Microsoft Enterprise Mobility MVP)

Autopilot was introduced before 3 years, and it brought change to deployment and delivery of PCs. In this session we would like to show you major differences and how Autopilot together with Intune have grow up, and which functionality is now coming with them. If you are person responsible for purchasing, configuration and delivery of new hardware, or you want to replace hardware and make mass enrollment then this session is for you.

22h00 – 23h00: …: BYOB (Bring-Your-Own-Beer) Social